When I was 8, I started training to be spy, but I quit the training when I was 14 and ran away. I met Wanda Maximoff shortly after to leave, we become good friends, until she disappeared without a trace. Now, I live in a old hidden deposit, make a living picking up things of pretty bad criminals after being pretty bad with them, using my extraordinary acrobatic ability, combined with my great skills in fights in general and with weapons. Although not use them in front of ordinary people at all coasts, I also have the power of telekinesis and can control any form of energy.

(I have an account on Spirit Fanfics, it's StellaKozlov, I created that account first)

  • ID: #637862
  • Títulos: Nenhum
  • Entrou em 31 de out. de 2015 14:01