Apenas uma sonhadora escrevendo coisas de uma visão sem lugar pra ir .

Eu poderia escrever muitas coisas bonitas aqui, ou simplesmente falar de todos os meus gostos e paixões (o que seria REALMENTE muita coisa), mas acho que nunca saberia descrever a mim mesma...

If you want to describe me, start trying to understand me...

"I feel happy, I feel sad

I feel like running through the walls

I'm overjoyed, I'm undecided

I don't know who I am

Well, maybe I'm not perfect

At least I'm working on it"


"You wanna make a difference

Get out and go begin it"


"Sometimes I want to disappear"

(Foster The People)

"I know the world's a broken bone,

but melt your headaches call it home."

(Panic! At The Disco)

"I don't love you, I'm just passing the time

You could love me if I knew how to lie"

(Panic! At The Disco)

"Somewhere weakness is our strength

And I'll die searching for it."


"See I'm trying to find my place

But it might not be here where I feel safe

We all learn to make mistakes"


"Your pastimes, consisted of the strange

The twisted and deranged"

(Arctic Monkeys)

"I can be your everything

I can be your nothing

No one, misery"

(Cherri Bomb)

  • ID: #140049
  • Títulos: Nenhum
  • Entrou em 13 de mar. de 2012 13:22