O q acontece com vcs? cara são 38 leitoras e apenas 2 me deixam reviews. isso desanima, sabia? vcs tem q dar opiniao de vcs e os caralho a 4 se nao nao da ne? é isso. tchau.

So you love me
As much as I love you, yeah
Would you hurt me, baby
Could you do that to me, yeah
Would you lie to me, baby
Cause the truth hurts so much more
Would you do the things that drive me crazy
Be my heart still at the door

Oh, I can't help it, I'm just selfish
There's no way that I could share you
That would break my heart to pieces
Honestly the truth is

If I could just die in your arms
I wouldn't mind
Cause everytime you touch me
I just die in your arms
Oh, it feels so right
So, baby, baby, please don't stop girl
Oh, baby, I know loving you ain't easy
It sure is worth a try

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