Jêmeas - Jealous Twins

Blondes in LA


My God! I can't believe! I'm in Los Angeles with the person I most love in the universe. No, is not a guy. Im talking about my sister, Jennette or just Jenn. She is my best friend and I couldn't live without her.

Well, we are twins. I'm older. We two are blondes. We are very similar, but our appearance is not exactly the same. I have short and spiked hair* and Jenn have long and curly locks**. My eyes*** are the color of the ocean and those of my sister are the most beautiful blue**** I have ever seen (I'm so sweet kkk). I am also a little higher. Apart from that, we are almost only one.

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Both are crazy, we have almost the same notes in school (usually Jenn's notes are larger), our names and our nicknames are similar (Jennette and Jennifer Jenn e Jen), we have similar tastes, etc.

As I was saying earlier, we are in LA. It's amazing to be here after so much planning. I miss my mom, but that's okay. I mean, it's not like we were moving to the USA, we are just traveling.

*Jen's hair: http://topmulher.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/cabelo-curto.jpg

**Jenn's hair: http://cdn.sulitstatic.com/images/2011/0710/04351362_04214239cceobl1283163181379.jpg

***Jen's eyes: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_4Ya3PLyEV_s/TNTCvEjJtDI/AAAAAAAAAfQ/6mxD3t2yR7Y/s1600/olho.jpg

**** Jenn's eyes: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_jgeBT0ZcFU/T5rMgqx_5lI/AAAAAAAAAG8/WJQTg_6iteo/s1600/TAAZ-makeover.jpg.jpg


It's amazing the way we are in the second largest US city. Yesterday Sao Paulo and now LA, Baby. This is phenomenal.

We spend months thinking about this travel. When I say "we", I mean me and my twin sister Jennifer. I don't know the reason of our names be so similar. We are different in appearance. But we are so strong together like one.

I was more excited than usual when the pilot announced that we would land. Should be too obvious, because Jen held my hand and asked me to calm down.

That is cool between us, always helped one another when needed.

She seemed a little nervous too, but Jen hides his emotions well. Only noticed because I know she better than anyone.

We complete each other in this way; I'm fearless, funny and stripped, while my sister is sweet, shy and romantic.

Jen and I were enchanted with the landscape that we saw through the glass.


We landed at LAX, got our bags (which were not few) and went to the airport