
Poor Queen

Where’s the truth?
It’s leaving with our freedom
But it’s getting clear now that I’m burying our shame

It feels just like the justice wants to show up
But everytime I’m trying to rise
You come crawling and tear me down

The queen is almost losing her power
Craving for take over all the time
You are only a poor loser
And nothing’s about to be your sacrifice

Don’t scream my name out
I can’t hear your voice
You’re lost in your own lies
Sinking into my lost pain

Air is leaving you
And it’s taking all my fear away
‘Cause I know you can’t reach me

The queen is almost losing her power
Craving for take over all the time
You are only a poor loser
And I’m not about to be your sacrifice

[I want to] Erase my pain
But nothing can change
Reality’s always in the line
But I won’t stop trying to overlap it
Just overlap it!

The queen is almost losing her power
Craving for take over all the time
You are only a poor loser
And I’m not about to be your sacrifice

The queen is almost losing her power
Craving for take over all the time
You are only a poor loser
And nothing’s about to be your sacrifice

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